Friday, September 28, 2012

We've got paint on the walls


And the flooring (engineered 4 inch red oak) has been delivered. Installation starts next tuesday. Then the doors go in and we start the finish work and wiring!!

Here's a shot of the transformers for the light dimmers. Lutron makes them. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Awwwwh yeah. Paint. Ceilings and walls are already pretty much wrapped up. The walls are a color called "sand dollar".

Control room ceiling

And here's one of the iso booths

Plus the tiles are in the bathroom. Excitement. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

We worked a bunch on the apartment this week waiting for the floors to be delivered. They're supposed to come in wednesday. I've been painting and sanding our kitchen cabinets

And Nick's crew installed the bathroom tile. It's gonna look pimp when it's cleaned up.